If You Could Ask A Single Person One Question, And They Had To Answer
Truthfully, Who And What Would You Ask?
Justin Trudeau – what happened? You had the world behind you.
What’s Something That Overwhelms You?
Our capitalistic, consumer culture. It’s crazy to think that we are driving this big
machine that is killing and harming everything we love and care for. The system
is heavily flawed. I am deep in it, helping turn the cogs that move the wheels, but
I am aware.
What Do You Take For Granted?
My Wife. She is solid. I am sure I don’t tell her enough how much I appreciate
her. I can say with confidence, our relationship is void of holding each other back
from our dreams as individuals. It’s difficult for people outside of our home to
understand that. I need to be better at letting her know how much I value what
we have.
How do you find inspiration when creating your art?
I find inspirations in all facets of life… as a father looking into my daughter’s
future, through my love for being outdoors in the mountains and on the water,
and when creating and developing my skills in the studio. I enjoy spending time
alone, which gives me time to reflect on my experiences and construct something
that I can be proud of.
How do you promote discoverability of your art that is forged by hard work and
As a solo indie artist you have to be able to wear many hats beyond what
happens in the studio. I am a promoter, booking agent, graphic designer, grant
writer, the list goes on and on. The job is only half way done once the wax is cut.
You can’t just record an album and expect it to be heard, because you think it’s
great. With regard to promoting my music, everything I do has purpose and
nothing is left to chance.
From live shows to music videos, interviews, etc... I try and connect and find my people, and have that open conversation that I think we
all want to have. If you put your all into your art, people take notice, maybe get
inspired, and naturally want to help share it. I have found that it’s important to
have a crew of like minded people in your court. I am very fortunate to have an
amazing team around me that donate their skills to help make things happen.
What Has Been Your Biggest Challenge In Life, And How Did You Overcome It?
Believing in myself. I think I just got sick of living in fear and not following my
dreams, life was happening and I was watching it go by. Things changed for me
when I committed to design and build a cabin from the ground up. I couldn’t
swing a hammer or read a tape measure when I started. I worked relentlessly to
hone my skills, learn about codes and home design, and save money to buy and
build on the land. It was an invaluable lesson on taking action and being in
control of my life. I just got after it, and persevered, when the odds were stacked
against me. That is pretty powerful.
In what way is your art personal and true to yourself?
My goal is always to make music that I would want to hear. I am in a place
where I don’t have to try and write a “hit” to earn a living. That leaves the door
open for me to experiment and write the music I want to write.
What Memory Instantly Makes You Smile?
This is an easy one. The birth of my daughter. It also makes me cry some
times, on many different levels – lol.
What Makes You Feel Most Empowered
When I pursue the things in life that I want, regardless of what other people think
or say. There is nothing better in life then following your own path and doing
what you love to do.
How Do You Think The World Will Change In 10 Years?
I feel like this is the last stand of the ignorant and closed minded. It appears that
we are at the edge of either something great or something not so great. I have
faith in humanity. I sense that there is a growing global social consciousness
that we are in dire need of change for the better. I think the world can and will
start to heal, and my little girl will have a great opportunity to help get us back on
Website: http://morganxbarrie.com/